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Aahan IT Solutions LLP.


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Oracle Aahan IT Solutions LLP.


We put into practice production strength backup & recuperation processes. Alongside upgrade to and from all versions of Oracle, troubleshoot issues and advocate/employ the accurate solutions for organizations across all market sectors. Our client base embraces companies from the entire globe.

With proficiency and knowledge wrapping the entire Oracle product range, we make sure that our clients uphold a robust architecture to convey most advantageous performance, maximum uptime and security to their business.

Since Oracle is a dominant gizmo for executing enterprise solutions it is often found crucial for organic growth. This is so because we rarely use Oracle solutions for undersized and middling magnitude businesses.

Following are the victorious vicinities that we have spread our expertise to:-

  • Internet services
  • Publishing
  • Telecommunications
  • Asset management
  • Workflow automation
  • Job tracking and billing

Channeling Oracle Application server to its pinnacle brilliance, we have created three-tier architecture applications also. Our technical competence encompasses the underneath:-

  • Oracle Databases: 9i, oracle 10g and 11g
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager to administer production databases
  • Toad to develop applications
  • SQL loader to load applications
  • Oracle Real Application Cluster
  • Oracle Data Sentinel
  • Oracle Application Server 10g